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Graduate from college / C.J.H., Comic

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Graduate From College Comic


See by this picture where your brain took root,
Your teacher found it with his thick-soled boot;
He saw your head was nothing but a bubble,
And reached at once the bottom of all your trouble.
‘T is sweet, indeed, within this world of strife,
To get a big lift in our youthful life;
And you got One that made your bones so sore,
You couldn’t sit down for six long months or more.
Go get a brick and rub your head, you sinner!
And try to make your skull six inches thinner;
For now it is so thick, and hardened too,
‘T would take six months for knowledge to break through.

Source Citation:

McLoughlin Bros. n.d. Graduate From College/C.J.H. Drawing. New York.

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McLoughlin Bros. n.d.. "Graduate from college / C.J.H., Comic." History of Higher Education.